Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas spirit

Hey, hey, hey white drops are fallin 
Hey, hey, hey the angels are callin 
Yeah, yeah, yeah Jesus a rising
Christmas is a coming
Hang up your stockings
Christmas is a coming
Angels are coming, so better start believing 
Everyone celebrates, time to start giving
So start this song
Hey, hey,hey Santa is on its way
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah season's greetings
Yeah,yeah,yeah time for caroling. 
Christmas is a coming 
Happy New Year
Christmas is a coming
Ribbons and wrappers 
Christmas tree is all shining
Get all dressed up
hey,hey,hey Merry Christmas
Yeah,yeah,yeah wishing a new year
Hey,hey,hey the world is white and clear
Say no more Christmas is a coming
 Hey,hey,hey no more glooming 
yeah,yeah,yeah there is more blooming
hey,hey,hey everything is ready
Christmas a coming

Update: Final week before christmas break for everyone. I did volunteer work again this week. We had our Christmas party, and did crafts. At the end of the day, they gave me a gift, it was so sweet. They gave me a Apple cinnamon candle. When i brought them up for dismissal, i actually got teary eyed. Didnt cry likethe teacher did, haha   . I had 5 kids hugging me, asking me to come back, there exact words  " Miss Mackenzie, can you please come back after break" " Miss Mackenzie, we love having you in, you are the best Student Teacher".  I love doing volunteer, i cant wait to actually teach them. That class is my favorite, and   I love those cray, kids.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Stressful life

Well, my life has been stressful lately, many fights going on in my life. Ive been getting involved or getting stressed over BS that dosent involve me. When i get worked up, my blood pressure gets high, therefore my blood pressure has been high. I try to be the person that stops the fighting, but i only make it worse. I have been getting involved more than i should have. 
My grades were not what i wanted them to be. I feel i will have people being dissapointed in me because they know im a smart girl, and im capable of doing better. On that note, i know what i need to do nxt semester to bring my grades higher.  
Update12/24 I got a C in every course. Final GPA was a 2.00

I have been LYING. I lied to somebody i REALLY should not have, I have been trying to stop. I stoped for awhile. I did it to cover the way i feel, and to protect both mine and his feelings. However, it only hurts that person, and gets me introuble. Im probably gonna be cut off next time, if he does not catch me, with this one.

Usually my blood pressure is high, well i have not been feelin well so i had my aunt look at me. I have had low sugar one day, high the next. I have had alot going on.
Im completly stressed to the max. My aunt is in the Hospital Hospice care unit, i have two jobs i have been workin, and im going back to school in two weeks. I also just break up with my boyfriend. Nothing can seem to go my way. Im just emotionally drained. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Challenge

Your mission for Thanksgiving was to send people "Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You"!!
Some people forwarded me there message. As i promised, i would post mine. 

Who i thanked(other than my family)

My 12th grade science tutor who is like a dad to me. Thank you for always being here for me, and never giving up on me.

My friends who keep me out of trouble. Who are here for me, who i can talk to about everything