Friday, September 13, 2013


I know this is hard to read, but i want everyone to try to read it. I got this from my DAD2. I got this during a talk we had, and i put it right near my Diploma. I rread it everyday. It means alot to me. This is what is helping me get farther in life. I read it every morning, and share bits of it to my sister and brother. Im helping them learn to make better decisions in life.   

Health update

Well im getting sick, i have been outside in the rain for the past three days, my stomach is killing me, im getting migranes everyday again. My Blood Pressure is still high. Im just a mess.


I really need to start searching for apartments ASAP. I Can not stand living at home anymore. Parents driving me crazy, cant get work done. Siblings are annoying, dont listen. Im so DONE LIVING AT HOME.
Im to the point where i want to withdraw from some classes.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blood Pressure

Well, i got my Blood Pressure checked. Still high. Wish it was low

Monday, September 9, 2013

English Essay

Well, I'm in my third week of online classes for college. Everything is going ok, I could be doing better with my classes though. Every week we have to write a essay for English, every week the length gets longer. The topics for our Essays are " Teachers", our Professor is having us write about Valuable Lessons teachers have taught us. As everyone knows, I didn't have a good relationship with most my teachers/tutors, so some of these topics are hard. Well, this week I have two 500 word essay to write, the Question/Topic for each

Write about a teacher that you have a positive, Teacher-Student relationship with. Have you ever lied, taking this teacher for granted? If so, have you tried to fix the problem?

The other Essay
Write about a fond memory you have of a teacher, that taught you a Valuable Lesson?

These topics are very interesting for me to write about. I've been through a lot as You all can tell, and these essays are really making me think about how much "Crap", I have put that teacher through. I will post the essays when completely done

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Ok, so remember that person i told u about earlier, the one that is in the same position as me? Well, she txted me the first day of school. Here message was:
"Hey, i thought i would tell you i have the same teacher who is like a father figure. I need your advice, you remember the situation that happened months back. I still have guilt for lying, although i apologized.The first day of school, i had the perfect chance to talk to him about me still feeling guilty, but i couldnt. Should i talk to him after class or is it a waste of time? Have u ever felt like this, did u talk to him?

Response" Congrats on having the same teacher. I do remember the situation you had. As, for this situation, i 100%, relate to this situation. As for me talking to him about feelinv guilty still, i have brought it, but I have not really had a "heart felt" talk, like i think i should. I suggest you do the same, i know, months back, youre apoligy didnt end up like you wanted. It happens, all " Teacher Father Figures" are different. I know you want to talk to him, and you definetly should, you just have to time it right. You made a good choice not doing it first day, want till you get settled in, and the first week is over. Just tell him what you told me. Promise me you will do it, and i promise ill do it. Keep posted.

A picture says A Thousand words.

I have no comment, but,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I know im gonna repeat my self"I can make drama out of anything", still is applies in my life.
I have had some crazy days lately, I have lied to someone special again. I lied to this person about fights i had with the family. I told this person the fights were created 50/50, i lied i created most of them. I was getting more attention, then it stoped so i decieded to get negative attention, and create DRAMA. I may have also, lied about my grades for college. I only lie to protect my feelings, cause i know with someone issues, im afraid to hear the truth. Im not using that as an excuse at all. I know im gonna have to do alot of explaining.


I really hate my life sometimes, i dont get any respect half the time. Dont get any quite time while doing College. My dad acts like a little kid, calls me names, but when i give it back to him " im a bitch". I have had enough with all this crap, its to the point where i want to withdrawal from some college classes, i want to move out, i just dont want to be with my family at all. Im crying myself to bed at some nights. I cry myself to sleep because of the disrespect i get, and then when i give it back to my dad, i kinda feel bad, but i know thats what he deserves.