Monday, September 9, 2013

English Essay

Well, I'm in my third week of online classes for college. Everything is going ok, I could be doing better with my classes though. Every week we have to write a essay for English, every week the length gets longer. The topics for our Essays are " Teachers", our Professor is having us write about Valuable Lessons teachers have taught us. As everyone knows, I didn't have a good relationship with most my teachers/tutors, so some of these topics are hard. Well, this week I have two 500 word essay to write, the Question/Topic for each

Write about a teacher that you have a positive, Teacher-Student relationship with. Have you ever lied, taking this teacher for granted? If so, have you tried to fix the problem?

The other Essay
Write about a fond memory you have of a teacher, that taught you a Valuable Lesson?

These topics are very interesting for me to write about. I've been through a lot as You all can tell, and these essays are really making me think about how much "Crap", I have put that teacher through. I will post the essays when completely done

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