Sunday, September 8, 2013


Ok, so remember that person i told u about earlier, the one that is in the same position as me? Well, she txted me the first day of school. Here message was:
"Hey, i thought i would tell you i have the same teacher who is like a father figure. I need your advice, you remember the situation that happened months back. I still have guilt for lying, although i apologized.The first day of school, i had the perfect chance to talk to him about me still feeling guilty, but i couldnt. Should i talk to him after class or is it a waste of time? Have u ever felt like this, did u talk to him?

Response" Congrats on having the same teacher. I do remember the situation you had. As, for this situation, i 100%, relate to this situation. As for me talking to him about feelinv guilty still, i have brought it, but I have not really had a "heart felt" talk, like i think i should. I suggest you do the same, i know, months back, youre apoligy didnt end up like you wanted. It happens, all " Teacher Father Figures" are different. I know you want to talk to him, and you definetly should, you just have to time it right. You made a good choice not doing it first day, want till you get settled in, and the first week is over. Just tell him what you told me. Promise me you will do it, and i promise ill do it. Keep posted.

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