Friday, October 25, 2013

My life.

I really hate my life sometimes, I Don't get any quite time while doing College. My dad acts like a little kid, calls me names, but when i give it back to him " im a bitch". I get in fights with my dad. Like just recently i got in a fight and punched him. 
Im afraid to check my blood pressure, cause i know its high. I feel sick almost two times a week. 
 I have had enough with all this crap, its to the point where i want to withdrawal from some college classes becauseI'm  failing or have a D in a class. I want to move out,but i cant because i have to focus on my education.
. I just dont want to be with my family at all. Im crying myself to bed at some nights. I cry myself to sleep because of the disrespect i get, cause I'm not doing good in college, because i feel like a bad daughter and sister. 
I lie constantly to people to cover up mu feelings. 

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