Saturday, November 9, 2013

Latest Update

I thought i would write today. Have not wrote in couple weeks. 
The past couple weeks, i have many ups and downs. 
As Dad 2 would say"my blood pressure is just where i want it", its not, its 104/91. Ive been getting migraines lately, been getting in arguments with parents. I went back and started lying to Dad 2, after i haven't in awhile. You would think he would be mad at me, buts its kinda the opposite. 
The only fun, positive things are i GOT A JOB, and I'm doing volunteer work in a classroom. I also  went to a basketball game this week with my brother, it was a blast. 

I tell everyone to pay attention to their health, not pay attention to negative things, i really mean it. When your in school like i am, its hard to pay attention to school work with negative things going on in your life. I would know, I'm in the middle if withdrawing from a class. 

I will write more, lots going on.  

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