Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sorryy Dad

I dont know how to Explain what i did was wrong, i dont know how to tell you how sorry i am. But im gonna try, so here it goes. 

I know what i did was wrong. You probably want a explanation. I know after you read this, you will be real mad at me. Even though i Apologize it wont help, because it lost its meaning. 
 Well, i was a bad "Daughter", i took advantage of your help, and pushed your buttons. I was testing you, to see if you would actually "cut me off". Then to lie to try to cover it up. I have no idea, why i would do that to you. I appreciate your help, i call you and look up to you as another father. Im Really Really sorry. I feel really bad for what i did.


Im very sorry for what i said the other day. In hindsight, my behavior was extremely disruptive and disrespectful to you.You can expect better and more appropriate behavior from me in the future. I have learned from this experience. I recognize your commitment to teach me the knowledge I need to succeed. I hope you can forgive me. I hope our relationship is undamaged from my actions and that I can continue to learn and grow under your guidance.



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