Saturday, February 15, 2014

Birthday Weekend!!!

Well, i have not written in a bit. I have had alot going on. I just Celebrated my birthday on Valentines Day! It started off great on Thursday, my favorite class i volunteer in, sang me Happy Birthday, and i gave them Valentines Day goody bags. On my actual birthday, it started great, we had a little party with the family, and i got my gifts. Then it started going downhill from there.(There always need to be a fight 😔😪) We however managed to get together for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Then Saturday night, my 3 girlfriends and i went to the mall and ate Dinner, then went to the Movies. Being crazy 17-19 year old "kids" we are,we went to Almost every clothing store(killing time) and tried on so many clothes. (We almost got kicked out!!!haha). Then on our way to the movies, we got stopped by Mall Security. They needed to check our ages. We had some great times! I had a Friend fall on the Escalater, one fall in the restaurant, then one spill there drink! While, im suffering from a Headache, and Stomach ache writing this. Yea!

Great Birthday Weekend??!! Well, we can say that :(

Dont want to right everything. Just got home, tired, have work at 8, and i will just get upset/ aggravated if i write everything. I will write tomorrow, some things, and how i handled them. Stayed tuned, it will be up around 10pm!  

Update from last blog: Dad2 and i have been talking. He a course still does not trust me, believe me on things. We talked and we didnt totally agree with each other, however some how i managed to get mad at him. THowever, the outcome was that if i use inappropriate language, lie, he will text me "done", and i will be cut off.  It kinda is like "walking on egg shells" when i am talking to him. Im afraid if i say something, i will regret it and he will text me "done".

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