Saturday, August 31, 2013


Well let me tell you that Luke Bryan cocert at SPAC was WILD. I went with 4 friends and we have never danced, flirted, and partied as much as we did that night. We had our cowboy boots, plaid shirt, jeans, just going crazy. Concert ended at 11, got back to friends house around 130, then had a bombfire and stayed up till around 4 partying. Homemade Shirley Temples. Yum!!
Then went to bed around 430. 
Waking up next morning was not fun. We had pounding headaches, and just felt sick. We had breakfast then literally went back to bed for 2 hours. I would totally redo that night minus partying at 4am.

Letting people in Life

Well, you know how people say "I will always be there for you", well thats a lie for some people. I knew this person for acouple years, i used to tell this person everything about me. Then after vacation, we talked once, and i lost one person i trust. This person was my friend.
The week, i need someone to talk to, i have NOONE. This has been the longest, worst week ever. I dont get appreciated for anything i do. I dont get any sort of respect/privacy while doing College work. I cant make any choices of my own. Get the point? I dont want to continue.
I just wish, i could let people in my life, without them leaving.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


“Some people are brought into your life to be mirrors, to show you behaviors and habits that need to change.”

"True Friends&Family&Teachers  won’t grow apart, even if they don’t talk everyday"

Timing is everything. When you’re REALLY ready for it, it will come.”

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Well, i PASSED. My Teacher assistant test. All the stressing i did, and i didnt even need to worry. I scored a 239.
I guess things are finally starting to come together for me. I GUESS THINGS DO START TO GET BETTER. Now that i passed, i know some great teachers that are going to help me fill out some job applications and look for a job. Im starting online classes on the 26th of this month.
Im finally starting to be happy, dont know how long it will last though.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Ok, everyone is probably wondering, "What the heck, is this", well i tell you.

Everyone worries about the stupid crap in life, and not the things that matter most. Wonder what that is???
Well, some people dont pay enough attention to their health and family like they should. Take me for example. I pay attention to getting negative attention, lying to get attention, creating drama. When i should pay attention to my health.
Same goes for your family. Your surrounded by people you love everyday. You dont want to go through life, living with regrets. Dont not pay attention to the important things cause you want to party, or you dont get along with people.
I will give an example, since they are good to learn from.

Ok, well like i mentioned, i dont pay attention to the important things as much as i should. I pay more attention to lying, than i do my health, i pay more attention to the negative attention, than i do family. Well, here is why you need to change, if your like me.

"While lying to someone special the other day, i was having sharp migrane pain, stomach bothering me, and felt dizzy, well did i go to doctor or stay home and lie more? Keep in mind, i have high blood pressure sometimes. Well, i stay home, i figured ' oh im fine, just need to eat something or take tylenol.' Well i was wrong, i was still sick and was like whatever.
Wednesday update: I still feel sick, my stomach hurts, feel like i could throw up.
The key point is pay attention to everything. That why im going to doctors, to see what is wrong!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wild Night Out!!!

Well, last night was a FUN, CRAZY GIRLS NIGHT. 
First they surprised me with a Graduation party, then Dinner at Panera Bread(interesting), and then a bomb fire.
I had a blast, my friends are the best, although there not a good influence everyonce inawhile, they are fun to be around. 
The whole day was pretty much crazy, between loosing our bathingsuit bottoms, to flirting with a guy at Panera. After all that fun, we went and had a bomb fire, roasted smores and jammed and partied with music. One Crazy night!!!

Night Ended with me going to SPAC on Sunday for a Concert, wont be coming home till 200am, then COLLEGE THE NXT DAY. Better not get to crazy w/friends

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Im writing this blog, so everyone can learn from my mistake, so they hopefully dont do the same.
I saw this binder, and i thought of myself. You would think i would have learned through going through "CRAP" in school. Well i didnt, im still creating DRAMA out of nothin. If its not a fight, ill make somethin up.  Its been getting me introuble with some people. Ive been creating DRAMA & LYING to people to get attention, im still doing it, its a reall bad thing to do. You dont need to lie to get attention(think i mentioned that before). Its gonna get me yelled at, cause i told everyone i was done w/drama and lying. Im learning, and i hope everyone does the same.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Spiritual Quotes

Here are two more Quotes, ive heard, these, they have meaning in mylife.

P.S, i will start writing more, like i did, when i first started.


Ok, i went to church, acouple weeks ago, Its been awhile, since ive gone, since ive been busy and going through alot. I heard these quotes, wanted to put them on here.
Im still overlooking these, trying to understand them.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Latest update

Its been a week, since ive been on. Ive been busy lately. Im gonna kinda go back for a minute.
Remember my post, where i was telling u to txt me, when u test ur relationship with people when they ask " you ok"? Well i got alot of tweets and txt about that. I made something bigger than it was was. Like i said im busy, so, If you need a clear description of what that was supposed to mean, please read the previous blog "clear "you ok".
It will make you understand what i meant, and i wont be dealing w/the same tweet 40 times.

Talking about twitter, i got a txt from a new ex friend on twitter, So im gonna address it here, and if u have a problem with it, then deal with it.  So here is the txt
" How could you block me from ur phone, and tell me we cant be friends anymore. After all we have been through, we told each other everything, things you couldnt even trust with your teachers or parents. I stuck up for you when you skipped classes, i would lie to the principal to keep u out of trouble. Also, ever since you got expelled you have changed into a different person."

My response
" First i can tell you, that we are not friends because you are a backstabber, lier,(im being nice, i could use other words, but certain people are reading this) I can block you from my phone, because i dont want anytjing to do with you. I got txt from you all the time, that are about me, and when i asked you about it, you pretend like you dont know anything. I couldnt trust you with anything. All those secrets i told you not to tell anyone, you TOLD the whole school, and even twisted the truth. You were friends with the person who PUNCHED/FOUGHT ME. As for trusting teachers, i trusted ONE great teacher,  one i knew that WOULDNT  stab me in the back like you did. You told the  teachers, the twisted truth, cause your a lier, who likes getting people introuble, and making them cry, cause they get introuble, for crap thats not true.  As for sticking up for me with skipping, you did one time, the rest, u sold me out. You nevered lied to the principal, to help me, you lied to get me introuble. Last but not least, YOU ARE DARN RIGHT, I CHANGED, since being kicked out. I threw away all the BOWLCRAP DRAMA i had to deal with. I talk to people who i trust, who dont judge me. I got GREAT advice from a teacher, which was to get rid of the negative people, and thats what im doing, and if you dont like it, to freakin bad, im changing my whole atmosphere around me.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Clearier "Are you ok"

Ok, I tlked to someone last night about the "Are you ok" blogs. Im going to make it more clear.
When someone txts you "Are you ok", DONT LIE. Noone is gonna know, if ur not having a good day, unless you tell them. Noone is a mind reader. And if they dont get back right away, dont think they are ignoring you, they are busy and will get back go you. Also, im gonna not lie, when answering that question. Ive hurt alot of people, and it does no good.
Also, just thinking about the conversation i had, i want to tell everyone, MAKE SURE YOUR TXTS ARE CLEAR, AND UNDERSTANDING, AND SENDS. If not, and ur tlking to a parent, or my case DAD2(father figure), you will have to do alot of explaining to make things clear..
If ur like me, and lied to many times, noone will now when or when not ur telling the truth. BEHONEST, DONT LIE, DONT END UP LIKE ME.