Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Latest update

Its been a week, since ive been on. Ive been busy lately. Im gonna kinda go back for a minute.
Remember my post, where i was telling u to txt me, when u test ur relationship with people when they ask " you ok"? Well i got alot of tweets and txt about that. I made something bigger than it was was. Like i said im busy, so, If you need a clear description of what that was supposed to mean, please read the previous blog "clear "you ok".
It will make you understand what i meant, and i wont be dealing w/the same tweet 40 times.

Talking about twitter, i got a txt from a new ex friend on twitter, So im gonna address it here, and if u have a problem with it, then deal with it.  So here is the txt
" How could you block me from ur phone, and tell me we cant be friends anymore. After all we have been through, we told each other everything, things you couldnt even trust with your teachers or parents. I stuck up for you when you skipped classes, i would lie to the principal to keep u out of trouble. Also, ever since you got expelled you have changed into a different person."

My response
" First i can tell you, that we are not friends because you are a backstabber, lier,(im being nice, i could use other words, but certain people are reading this) I can block you from my phone, because i dont want anytjing to do with you. I got txt from you all the time, that are about me, and when i asked you about it, you pretend like you dont know anything. I couldnt trust you with anything. All those secrets i told you not to tell anyone, you TOLD the whole school, and even twisted the truth. You were friends with the person who PUNCHED/FOUGHT ME. As for trusting teachers, i trusted ONE great teacher,  one i knew that WOULDNT  stab me in the back like you did. You told the  teachers, the twisted truth, cause your a lier, who likes getting people introuble, and making them cry, cause they get introuble, for crap thats not true.  As for sticking up for me with skipping, you did one time, the rest, u sold me out. You nevered lied to the principal, to help me, you lied to get me introuble. Last but not least, YOU ARE DARN RIGHT, I CHANGED, since being kicked out. I threw away all the BOWLCRAP DRAMA i had to deal with. I talk to people who i trust, who dont judge me. I got GREAT advice from a teacher, which was to get rid of the negative people, and thats what im doing, and if you dont like it, to freakin bad, im changing my whole atmosphere around me.

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