Monday, August 19, 2013


Ok, everyone is probably wondering, "What the heck, is this", well i tell you.

Everyone worries about the stupid crap in life, and not the things that matter most. Wonder what that is???
Well, some people dont pay enough attention to their health and family like they should. Take me for example. I pay attention to getting negative attention, lying to get attention, creating drama. When i should pay attention to my health.
Same goes for your family. Your surrounded by people you love everyday. You dont want to go through life, living with regrets. Dont not pay attention to the important things cause you want to party, or you dont get along with people.
I will give an example, since they are good to learn from.

Ok, well like i mentioned, i dont pay attention to the important things as much as i should. I pay more attention to lying, than i do my health, i pay more attention to the negative attention, than i do family. Well, here is why you need to change, if your like me.

"While lying to someone special the other day, i was having sharp migrane pain, stomach bothering me, and felt dizzy, well did i go to doctor or stay home and lie more? Keep in mind, i have high blood pressure sometimes. Well, i stay home, i figured ' oh im fine, just need to eat something or take tylenol.' Well i was wrong, i was still sick and was like whatever.
Wednesday update: I still feel sick, my stomach hurts, feel like i could throw up.
The key point is pay attention to everything. That why im going to doctors, to see what is wrong!

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