Thursday, August 1, 2013

Clearier "Are you ok"

Ok, I tlked to someone last night about the "Are you ok" blogs. Im going to make it more clear.
When someone txts you "Are you ok", DONT LIE. Noone is gonna know, if ur not having a good day, unless you tell them. Noone is a mind reader. And if they dont get back right away, dont think they are ignoring you, they are busy and will get back go you. Also, im gonna not lie, when answering that question. Ive hurt alot of people, and it does no good.
Also, just thinking about the conversation i had, i want to tell everyone, MAKE SURE YOUR TXTS ARE CLEAR, AND UNDERSTANDING, AND SENDS. If not, and ur tlking to a parent, or my case DAD2(father figure), you will have to do alot of explaining to make things clear..
If ur like me, and lied to many times, noone will now when or when not ur telling the truth. BEHONEST, DONT LIE, DONT END UP LIKE ME.

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