Wednesday, July 17, 2013

30 day challenge answers

10. I dont feel good about my scars. I already have low self esteem, i dont feel comfortable about my body, so when i want to wear my bathsuit some scars are exposed. I feel like everyone is going to see me and judge me.
11. The strangest place i have cut, would have been in 6th grade science. And once in the library, during tutoring.
12. I dont keep my tools, i dispose of them, when done.
13. The biggest realization ive made with self harm is that it does nothin to help the recovery process. It completly stupid.
14. There are three people i find an inspiration in my recovery process. Those people are my science teacher, my brother, and my sister. My science is like a father to me, and he treats me like a daughter, so when he yells it hurts, but i need it. He makes me stronger. And my siblings need there older sister in their life, to help them make good choices.
15. I dont visit any websites, but i do follow someone on twitter.
16. The advice i give someone who self harms, would be find someone who you trust, and tlk to them, and then get help.
17. I do not know anyone else who self harms.
18.Dear kenzie,
             Im glad you are no longer making stupid decision. Im glad you finally opened up to someone, and took there advice to get help. I want you to know where you were, and where you are now. I dont want you to ever go back. Remember have faith in yourself, and you will always have someone to talk to.
19. 5 reson recovery is worth it.
           1. Have my future
            2. Family/friends
              3. Its not worth the pain
                4. So everyone isnt upset with me
                  5. I wont be judge
20. I dont really have a vivid memory of cutting. I tend to forget the memories, because it is a stupid idea.
21. I have tried to stop, i have stoped for 6yrs before. It was hard because i didnt have someone to talk to. Thats what im doing different this time, im talking to two people, who are helping me stop, and come up w/ different techniques to calm down.
22. I feel the most calm in my room, listening to music, talking to the one person who cares

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