Friday, July 5, 2013

Need attention?

Its 1:17 am, thought i would update you on something, we talked about yesterday. Everyone remember the teacher i told u about? Well, get readt.
  Yesterday, after i wrote that about the teacher, that was always there for me, i sent him the link, to read it. Also, remember the lesson i told you? DONT LIE, TO A TEACHER, THAT IS LIKE A FATHER, WHO IS ALWAYS THERE! Btw, it wasnt my last chance, the teacher was happy w/ what i wrote.
Here is where the lesson comes in play again,
Well, that teacher ask " How was ur day"?  I replied, " it was okay, not home all day" Did i lie, or did i tell the truth?????  I started to, my day was okay, but then, i did what the Title is called " needed  attention", so being the "smart" person i am, i said" im with friends partying" Well, sure enough, he thought i was telling the truth. I thought i got away with it. I was happy i got attention. Wait, after several txts...
Sure enough he caught on, and i got the txt "i hate to say this but i have to, Are you lying to me"? Sure, enough i got caught right handed. I had to admit to it. I was sure the nxt day, i was going to get a lecture. Well, i was right about some, that tlk came sooner. After, i told him " NOO, I was lying" and " ur gonna hate me" I got the txt, i new was gonna come, just not at 12:45am " Find somewhere to talk, and call me"? So, i did, just that. After, we settled the lying, He would ask me so many times, if i was home. Just to see if i would tell the truth. I was, btw. That conversation lasted till 1:00. He is still confused, why i lied. Well, i did it for attention. Im gonna have to do more explaining probably. I know, its wrong, to lie to get attention. Thats the point, im trying to make. If you need/want attention, cause maybe u dont get enough? Maybe u dont get any? DONT, DONT LIE, TO GET IT, YOU WILL HAVE ALOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO.
Well,im beat, its now, 2:19am, i need sleep.
Also, if ur gonna spend a wk w/friends make sure they are real, can u guess where im going w/this???

DAD2: Ur the best
Btw, i kinda lied the other day, about being at my friends house, since june 30th.(since fight)

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