Tuesday, July 23, 2013

30 Day Challenge Answers

Well everyone, i did it. I completed the challenge. I Didnt cut through the whole challenge. So here are my final answers.

23. My favorite inspirational quote would have to be from my DAD2. "If at first you dont suceed, try,try again"
24. My main triggers are being misunderstood, and stress.
25. I dont know any statistics about self harm
26. Spending quality time w/family and friends, and not fighting.
27. I have only cut once, since the start of the challenge.
28. The short term goals i have are to get along w/ people better, and not self harm any more.
29. I do not follow any self harm blogs.
30. This graduation picture of me will always remind me of what ive went through, and it was alot. If it was not being expelled from school, it was getting yelled at. Etc. Im a changed girl now, and i could not be happier.

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