Thursday, July 11, 2013

Im Sorry update

Yesterday was a tough day, for me.
The last blog i wrote, was an important topic to me. Im going to repeat something,"We all make mistakes in life, and sometimes hurt the ones we care about". That is important, we all remember, espically for me, because i didnt realize how much i hurt the one person, that has a special spot in my heart till now. My last blog was an apology to that person, and it meant alot.
Last night, after i posted that, he called me and told me he read it, and it touches home, and that he agrees that ive lied one to many times. Btw, im crying writing this. Last night we really had a Heart to Heart talk. Let me tell you that talk really touched my heart, and kinda made me mad.  That teacher is my second Dad, i care and respect him like a dad.  He is the only one i can talk to, and he understands/know, what im going through. And yesterday, when he said " If you still want me in your life, and help you, then you need to stop lying to me" " your like a daughter to me, and i will talk and treat you like one, but if you lie to me again then our friendship will be over". Just thinking about that really makes me upset, cause of how much he has helped me. I cant even think about loosing a friendship over a LIE. Like i said earlier, not only did the coversation touch home, and hurt(makes me upset), but it also, changed my perspective on life, and decision making. I know im not gonna lie ANYMORE, to that one person. He has helped me through so much, and he does not deserve me lying to him.

Im getting worked up over nothin, so i have to stop.

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