Friday, July 5, 2013

A teacher

Im writing about something different today. I will do this time by time. This is a lesson i was taught, and never learned till now. Hopefully, the teacher im writing about reads this. The pic proves it all though.
Okay, i have one teacher that has touched my heart. That one teacher is like a father to me, i even call him my dad. He was my sixth grade teacher, and 12th grade tutor. Ive been through alot in life, especially this year and he has been by my side, when ever i need him, he is there. We have a good relationship, when i dont lie. He always has the best advice, he always now what to say when im down and upset, and he knows when im lying! Have you had a teacher like this? Lying is my next point. Ive had experience where ive lied to him, and he has caught me. I dont know, why i lie to him, sometimes its because im afraid to hear the truth, and reality he will tell me.  When i lie to him, i get mad cause he is mad. Know what i mean?
Last week , i was having a bad day and he was there, to help me through it. And i did, i got through, without doing anything stupid. Wait.... No i did, i lied once again. He caught me, and i think, that was my last chance to show he can trust me. Im still beating my self up, for lying to him. I hope, i can regain he trust again. He is the only one that listens and understands me.

My advice for anyone that has a teacher like this, my advice is to not lie. Be honest with them. They are there to help, and the cant help, without all the details and info. Ive learned the hard way.

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