Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Well this saying actually means alot to me. Ive had to geown to believe this.
Ive never believed this, ive always put myself down, never thought i was gonna get anywhere in life.
Freshman year, i thought i was never going to make it to senior year. I thought i was gonna drop out. I actually didnt try as hard as i should have. I have given up on myself at times. Same with sophmore year.
Junior year, i actually ran into my middle school science teacher, and actually tried, cause junior year, i ended up failing regents and classes.
Senior year, finally came. Didnt end like i thought but i made it.

Here is how the quote fits in:
I DREAMED of being the first in my family to graduate and attend college.
I BELIEVED in myself through everything that i would make it this far.
I ACHIEVED my goal.
Im HAPPY & SMILING, because i finally made it to where i want to be.
Im Happy because i have people in my corner helping me, BELIEVING in me, caring and listening to me when i need help. And i LOVE, and APPRECIATE everything they do for me.

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