Sunday, July 21, 2013

Worth More

Well, its been alittle while since i wrote. This picture says it all. "Im trying to stay strong for my siblings". Ive been going through alot. Ive been fighting with my parents more. Im getting ready for HVCC nxt month. Alot of stress, and due to that i went back to my old ways, ive cut again, lied to somebody i should not have. Im definately not happy where i am right now. Im getting depressed again, and that is not good. Ive had to go through counseling in school due to depression.

With all this going on , im trying to stay strong. Yeah, im an ADULT, but the pressure i have is unbearble sometimes. Im barely getting any attention from my parents, im getting barely any support from them. Ive been making decisions im proud and not proud of. Im definately trying to stay strong, because im definately worth it.
I have a love and hate relationship with my life. Lately sometimes i feel like i dont belong here anymore. Ive tried to end my life, ive had plans/thoughts. I never go through with it, but i have had the thoughts/ plan lately.

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