Friday, July 12, 2013

Decision making update

Okay, lets remember, the first post, was to tell everyone to make good, postive decision, that benifit ur future. Also, remember, when i said i need to follow my own advice, it hasnt worked yet.
Thursday night was long night. It was a stressful night. I talked to my teacher, but before that i made a bad decision. And its coming back, to bite me in the @$$. I need good luck, cause tomorrow, i need to talk to my teacher  about that decision. Im nervous to see what he has to say, cause through the txt, it looks like he is Pissed at me.  He told me, " im beyond yelling at you kenz", so im thinking he is really pissed, or he is giving up on helping me, or both. Idk, so, im not only nervous, but kinda teary eyed. Idk, i could be blowing this out of proportion, and this could just be another "heart-heart" tlk..  but, If you remember the last post, it mentioned, how much i appreciate his help, and idk, what i would do with him in my life, helping. He has  been there for me all year. Thats why im nervous.
Hopefully he reads this before, and he knows, im sorry for my bad decision, thay i know it was wrong, and i wont do it again, causr all i have to do is talk to him, and he will help me through it. Also, he wont give up on helping me, or not be in my life anymore(end our friendship)

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