Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Latest Update

Ok, well the last couple blogs got posted late. I took my Teacher Assistant test, and felt good about it. (Will now result nxt month), its out of my hands so i cant control it anymore. Im getting ready for my online classes nxt month. I had a job interview, but i didnt get the job :(
There are some things on my mind, that i need to let out, and ill do that here, so i dont need to keep bothering my DAD2. Im being a pain. Ha.
I got some upsetting news, about my Uncle. Nvrmind, i cant. Lets forget about that. 
Any ways, someone sent me this on twitter, kinda caught me off guard. I really did not know how to respond to it. I eventually did though. I hope my answer helped.
" Hey, im in the same position as u, i have a person who is also like another dad to me, and we got into a bad argument, and. I lied to him. He doesnt know but i have so much guilt, i want to tell him, but i dont know how? Have u ever been in my position? If so, how long did it for him to catch on? I dont want my situation to get as far as ur did, and almost loose our relationship, but if i have to lie to protect my feeling should i?

My response," Yes, i know how u are feeling. Ive been in your postion plenty of times, and yeah, if i lie to my second dad again, i loose our friendship. You dont want that to happen. I have yet, to get in a bad argument w/ him. I hope that NEVER happens. My second Dad, did not know i was lying to him at first either. To be honest, i dont know how he caught on. I forgot. My advice on how to tell him, " just contact him, and tell him, u are sorry, u didnt know what u were thinking, and it wont happen again." It worked for me everytime, hey it still does. As for lying to protect ur feelings, idk how to really answer that one. My Dad2, treats me like a daughter, so he never takes anything easy, he will yell at me if i need it. Idk if ur is like that? I have lied recentally to protect my feelings, it doesnt help, cause u still feel the guilt. Just behonest, and if he finds out u lied, be ready to take the consequence/lecture, and just behonest from now. Hope it helps, keep me posted

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